Monday, September 6, 2010

Blog Response #1--A little about you...

What are your expectations for this class and for yourself in this class? What do you think of when you hear the word movie? What is your favorite movie? Why? Required: 2 full, well-developed paragraphs. Due Friday, 9/10 8:00 am.


  1. As soon as Ms. Banas uttered the words "IB Film," I knew that it was a class for me. Not having to take a two year science was but an added benefit to what I assume will be an extremely interesting class. I grew up in a world of film, both mainstream and "artistic," all the while my interest growing. I am very excited to learn about films and film making, and will hopefully have a few good films of my own by the end of the course. I chose to take this class in an effort to expand my knowledge of the inner workings of film making, not to mention the fact that I love watching movies.

    Despite my love for movies it is extremely hard to pick out a favorite. My natural indecisiveness paired with the thousands of movies out there today make it very difficult to pick just one. I enjoy movies that mess with your mind, like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, movies that make you cry like the Titanic, romances that make you hate your life, and comedies that actually make you laugh. I like some big blockbusters, like the recent genius that is Inception, and even have a deep love for Disney. My tastes are varied but basically I just want to be entertained. I mean, when one hears the word "movie" one thinks of spending a few hours being submerged in a world built to entertain you, or at least I do. Through this class my criteria for movies will probably change, and I hope to build a new interest and understanding in the movies I see. What goes on behind the camera is what makes a movie, it creates the entertainment, the laughter, and the tears, and that is what I hope to learn over the next two years.

  2. I mean come on, who doesn't love hearing about the newest Harry Potter, or Pixar creation to hit the big screen? Anyone and everyone loves movies, and I for one am absolutely no exception. Growing up in the world of disney princesses on VHS, having two older brothers who let me watch highly inappropriate films far before I ever should have, and having a mother who can recite every single line from the Wizard of Oz, you are bound to accept any offer given to take a film course, and I am so excited. This year in film I hope to take an in depth look into the world of film. By the end of the year, I hope to look at movies differently, by not only appreciating the story but rather all of the 'behind the scenes' aspects to filmmaking. I would like to learn what it truly takes to create such a project, and be able to do that by the end of my senior year.

    When I think of the word movie, I think of cameras, actors, actresses, stories, big screens, lights, and a whole lot of talent. To me, the world of filmmaking seems incredible and a very spectacular and rewarding career to have. I think of how much hard work is put into making some of the greatest and even worst films of all time. I think of the audience, and how sometimes even movies have the power and vigor to change a persons life.

    There are so many movies I adore, I could never pick just one. But personally and proudly, I happen to be a huge fan of chick flicks, horrors, and dramas. Give me a sappy movie and I will undoubtedly love it! The most recent film I have seen though is, Inception. I would definitely put it on the list for one of my favorite movies of all time. It is extremely compelling, and with its cliffhanger ending, will leave you wide eyed, open mouthed, and on the edge of your seat dying to know the truth.

  3. First of all, I’m entering IB Film with the full understanding that it will take up a significant amount of time. Although I’m slightly concerned about possible conflicts between afterschool sports/clubs, thus far the current schedule doesn’t seem to a be a problem and I really believe that it will help me with my time management. I’m extremely interested in learning the inner workings of the film industry, especially. I’m the kind of person that when I watch movies , I’ll be questioning in my head how and why the film makes me feel certain emotions and how certain special effects are accomplished. After reading the first chapter of our textbook last night and then again this evening, I’m confident that by the end of this course I will a lot more knowledgeable about how to make my own films and the film industry, in general.
    When I hear the word “movie”, the I think about sitting in a pitch black movie theater with a bright Disney film (Aladdin, specifically, because that was my favorite movie as a child) and catchy music. But the word “film” has completely different connotations to me and upon hearing “film” my head envisions an indie film like Little Miss Sunshine or at least something less mainstream.
    My favorite movies that I can think of off the top of my head are Gran Torino, Crash, The Departed, Borat, Forrest Gump and Titanic. I’ve seen all of them multiple times and cried during all of them (except Borat which I thought was hilarious). If I can build an emotional connection to a character in a movie to the point that it moves me to tears I think that says a lot about the movie. But that’s not to say I don’t love movies like Mean Girls and Princess Bride and Disney movies though, as well.

    P.S. I agree with the previous comments; Inception was fantastic!

  4. I fell into IB Film purely by accident and still not sure whether I will still be in the class. I might still be placed in IB Art. Nevertheless, after attending two IB Film classes, I have a greater appreciation for movies and the work that goes on in the background. I do not actually know what to expect, but I think we will be watching many influential movies and analyzing the technical and emotional aspects of films.

    To be honest, when I hear the word movie, I think of how I have only been to the movie theaters a measly total of three times in my whole life. So, I do not have a vast amount of prior experiences to work off of and I was not exposed to classical films. I might watch maybe five movies on dvd or in class in a year.

    My choice of a favorite movie is quite limited, but an ideal film for me would have actors that could sway my emotions and have a meaningful message. I think that Hotel Rwanda or Schindler's List (both viewed in class) fits this criteria. I am quite an empathetic person; however, it only affects me when the actors feelings are genuine.

  5. I think that I have loved movies my whole life, since I was a kid, but I didn't really have that much interest in them until I was twelve. I remember the first real "adult" movie I saw was Groundhog Day. I watched the entire thing non-stop, never taking my eyes away from the screen. I still think it's one the most clever movies ever created. It perfectly blends comedy (thanks to Bill Murray) and philosophical ideas. I wished (and still do) that I could write and direct a movie as amazing as that one.

    That probably sparked my initial interest in cinema. I've always loved the idea of creating and fleshing out a wide array of characters and watching them interact on screen; whether it be a contemporary action blockbuster like Iron Man or a dialogue and character driven drama like Taxi Driver. I've always written stories since I was probably five and writing and movies sort of go hand and hand. I'd love to get into screenwriting, and this class can definitely help me improve and hone in on that skill, as well as directing, the process it takes to make a film, and just movies in general.

    I love tons and tons of movies. Lawrence of Arabia, L.A. Confidential, A Hard Day's Night, Wonder Boys, Groundhog Day, Taxi Driver, and Dog Day Afternoon are among my favorites. But my absolute favorite is probably The Godfather. And yes, I know, everyone picks the Godfather as their favorite, but I think it's because it is that great. How the filmmakers and actors make you feel sympathy for such deplorable characters is astounding and the diner scene with Al Pacino is still one of the most intense scenes I've ever seen in a movie. So I guess staying power is one of the reasons that makes a film so great and timeless.

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  9. Every May or June I promise myself I will get out and go for the summer, have a good time. I plan little adventures and look forward to escaping the house and getting a tan. Yet, every summer I find myself cuddled up on couch at night, bowl of ice cream in hand, watching movies from Shrek:The Third to This Boy's Life. There's currently an indent in my love seat where my butt was glued, no joke. Growing up, my father had a thing for western films, while my mom was more of a Pretty Woman, 16 Candles kind of girl, both influencing my preferences. At the age of 6 or 7 I was blown away by Terminator, however The Cable Guy remained my go to movie for years after that. My first film to view in theatres was in factToy Story, so at the release of the third chapter this summer I did manage to get off the sofa, opening day of course. With all that said, you can pretty much understand the reasoning for my initial interest in IB Film. Upon opening the textbook last night I was amazed by the amount of detail and hidden metaphors put into making films. I would've never imagined film making so complicated. In the past I've always seen movies as they were, straight forward, plain and simple. Actually, I'm usually the one explaining movies (Yes, like Inception) to my brother or friends, but I'm very excited to learn what stratagies film makers use to make these movies true pieces of art.

    Among my favorite movies are Big Fish, Garden State, Little Black Book, Uptown Girls, anything Molly Ringwald, Forrest Gump, and Dirty Dancing. However the list continuously grows, because with each few new movies I watch, one stands out and makes its way onto my list. The most attractive aspect of a film in my opinion is definitely the way the protagonist interacts with not only other characters, but the audience. Everytime I watch The Notebook (I know, I couldn't be more cliche) I fall in love with Noah Calhoun, whereas Marley and Me truely eats my heart out especially since we just recently put my first dog down. Another way of putting it is just that I enjoy movies that provoke emotion and I think that's what an audience remembers. Anyway, I hope that this class will introduce many films to my forever-growing list, and that maybe someday I will be able to draw the same emotion with a film I can call my own.

  10. When I first heard of this class, I immediately thought of actors and actresses, huge sets, dramatic costumes, well written scripts. I had never really thought of being behind the camara and what work it takes to make a movie. So when this class was offered, I thought it would be a great headstart into a business that is very difficult to learn if you don't start right away. I know in this class, I'm going to have to be completely dedicated and hard working, but that's basically what I have to do for the rest of my life in whatever career I choose. Might as well start now.
    When I think of "movies", I think of sitting in a theater with my little brother and sharing a tub of popcorn and watching him throw most of it at the ground or being at a theater with a bunch of friends. Or sitting in our movie room in our house and watching either the newest blockbuster or some old 50s film.

    I don't really have a favorite movie. There's not really a movie that I watch a million times over and it never gets old. If there's a movie that's has a good plot and a good range of actors and actresses, I will watch it, but then the newest movie comes out and replaces it. I am a huge fan of all Disney movies because I grew up watching them. And I heard Inception was amazing, although I haven't seen it yet. I am a huge romantic comedy fan, but I love all the adventure, so I would have to say my favorite movie right now is "Sherlock Holmes" with Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law. Just the sequence of action scenes and the obvious time and work they put into it made it an enjoyable movie. Plus the fact that it plays with your mind as you watch it and you never know what will happen until the end.

  11. I would like to say that I am really digging your responses, everyone.

    I suppose it would be fair for me to respond to this blog entry, as it is about "getting to know you" and maybe none of you really care about your teacher, but I'll throw out my response just in case!

    I have a lot of expectations for myself in this class. If I can impart what knowledge I have about film history and theory to you guys, I will be happy. I am hoping that I'm able to open your eyes to films that you might never have seen otherwise. I took a film class in high school and, although it was not as in depth as this class will be, I learned a great deal from my teacher, Mr. Gardener. If you all can feel just a little bit as excited as I was to see films like The Graduate and The Great Train Robbery, I will feel I have done a good job. In addition to teaching you to appreciate everything that goes into making (and watching) films, I am really looking forward to seeing the films you will make!

    When I think of the word movie, I think of a couple of things. For the past few years, the word movie makes me think of having my daughter curled up at my side eating delicious (non-microwave) popcorn while we watch movies like His Girl Friday or The Last Laugh or Star Wars or Singin in the Rain. She can't get enough of the movies.

    I have memories of watching movies like Midnight Cowboy and Little Big Man with my dad when I was quite little and having him tell me these were great films and that I should watch them. They were on tv every once in awhile and every time they were, he and I sat and watched the whole movie--it was because he wanted me to see the entire movie that I was occasionally allowed to stay up past my bedtime.

    What is my favorite movie? As many of you said, it is almost impossible to choose a favorite. I've been on a silent movie kick lately, so films like The Passion of Joan of Arc and Sunrise: A Tale of Two Humans and The Last Laugh and the Battleship Potemkin are ranking pretty high. A few months ago, the French film, Jules and Jim, was a favorite (still is) and so were Renoir's films Grand Illusion and Rules of the Game. However, I'd have to say most of my big favorites come out of 70s American film. As Alex mentioned, Dog Day Afternoon is fantastic. So is Little Big Man and Badlands and Days of Heaven. I revisited Scorsese's Taxi Driver and Mean Streets this summer. Out of the two, Mean Streets stands out as my favorite, as it somewhat resembles, to me, the neorealistic films out of Italy in the 1950s.

    As far as Disney films, I must say, I'm partial to Pinocchio and Sleeping Beauty, although I also enjoy a viewing of Mulan once in awhile.

    There you have it. Mrs. Holden in a nutshell through the movies.

  12. My expectations for this course is just to learn as much as possible about films, not only about how to create one but all of the background information that goes into creating great movies.I have been excited about this course ever since i heard that it was available at our school, over the summer i was already coming up with ideas that i wanted to make a film about.
    When I hear the word movie I think about a screen with actors telling me a story that may be true and may not.I dont have a specific favorite movie, but I like Brown Sugar. The types of movies that usually attract me are dance movies(Step Up 3) and sports movies,love Sandlot:) I also like movies that are about life of teenagers because i can connect to them and always will love animated movies:) I am really excited for this class and glad that i have the oppurtunity to get into this area this early and dont have to wait until college or take a class outside of school. I understnad that this class will involve a lot of time and time management, but i am ready to take on the challenge .

  13. I hope to really have fun in this class and allow my creativity to take flight. It is something that I have never done before and I am extremely excited to learn about film watching and making. Honestly when I signed up for this class I did think it was just about watching movies and talking about them, but now I see it is way more indept than that. It deffinitely seems like it might be a little challenging, but I am deffinitely up for the challenge. The best part is that I have know idea what to expect because it is not a class that i have been taking since kindergarten, like art or music. I can't wait to start projects.

    The first thing i think of when I hear the word "movie" is characters. I immediately picture characters in my head. Then I begin to think of everything that goes along with movies. For example, the theatre, popcorn, large screen, and color. My favorite movie is P.S. I Love You because it was the first and only romantic movie that actually made me cry. It might sound corny, but the thing is I don't usually cry for movies so when I cried watching that movie I knew it must have been a good movie. The crazy thing about it is that my favorite genre isn't even romantic, it's comedy. I do however enjoy a good romantic comdey, but romantic would only my third fav genre and somehow my favorite movie is a Rimance. Maybe after taking this class i'll be able to explain how that is possible.

  14. I joined this class for several reasons. The first is that I have always loved movies, ever since I started watching them. The second is that, whenever I'm really enthusiastic about something, I like to learn as much as possible about it. The third, and probably least crucial reason, is that I needed an art credit, so I decided to fulfill it doing something I enjoyed.

    My expectations were, and are, for the most part exactly the same as what we will actually be doing. I expected to closely analyze films like one analyzes a novel in a Literature class. I expected to learn about the history of film, from the first pictures taken to the recent rise in 3D films.

    When I hear the word movie, no single image pops into my head. Instead the first thing that does is an abstract feeling of happiness and excitement. Going to the movies was always a treat and I still view seeing movies like so.

    Lastly, I don't have a favorite movie. I have several movies that I like for different reasons, each doing something I like, but none doing everything at once. A few of my favorites are: Dr. Strangelove, Blazing Saddles, Life of Brian, Toy Story, The Lord of the Rings trilogy; Godfather I, II and III; Spaceballs; Star Wars V and VI and many others.

  15. I really didn't have expectations for this class. I just expected myself to do well in anything I attempt, and since this was something new, i thought I'd take a chance and try it out. I think this course should be enjoyable, but time consuming, and I'm ok with that.

    When i hear movie, I usually think of action, comedy, romance, or sorrow. i can't tell you why I think of those things, but those are the first things I think. My favorite movies are actually The Dark Knight and Wanted. I honestly just enjoy action movies as a whole, but in both of these movies, the action and special effects really got to me. The amount of time put into these movies must have been massive for them to be so amazing.
